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RHSC: Data on public procurement of EC from low- and middle-income countries.
April 2023. In December 2022, the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) published The Family Planning Market Report. This report leverages shipment data from 17 participating suppliers to analyze the public-sector contraceptive market in 83 low- and middle-income countries. The public sector is defined as those purchased by public…
Malta: Doctors For Choice EC Prescription Online Service
January 2022. Doctors for Choice in Malta launched an online service that provides a doctor’s prescription for EC pills and also helps women chose her preferred oral EC method (LNG or UPA). EC pills are registered as over the counter medicines in Malta, but this online service will make access to EC easier for many,…
Europe fails on contraception
September 30, 2018. Access to a full range of contraceptive options is a basic right. Still, providing universal access to modern, effective and affordable contraception, in order to make sure people have choices over their reproductive lives, is not a public policy priority and remains a challenge in most European countries. Limited Access: Europe’s Contraception Deficit….
Belgium: reducing financial barriers to EC pills and other contraceptives
February 2020. On February 21st, the Council of Ministers of the Belgium Federal Government, approved the Royal Decree that will make emergency contraception (EC) pills free of charge to all women, regardless of age. Until now, EC pills could be provided free of charge to women under 21. In addition, under this new policy, regular…

Hormonal IUDs and emergency contraception
March 2023. In 2021, in a first-of-its-kind study by University of Utah Health found that hormonal IUDs could be a safe and viable emergency contraception alternative, and that they could be comparable to copper IUDs for use as emergency contraceptives. See News. While more research is conducted, a recent Cochrane Review by Oregon Health and…
Bosnia i Herzegovina: new EC counselling tool
June 1, 2018. Partnership for Public Health translates into local language in Bosnia i Herzegovina and pre-tests the EC wheel. This work was conducted in collaboration with the Family Physician Association of the Federation of Bosnia i Herzegovina, and the Family Physician Association of Republika Srpska, and with support from UNFPA.The local version of the wheel was produced in June…