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Italy and UK: different ways to address pharmacies objecting EC dispensing
September 2021. BBC3 recently reported the case of two women in the United Kingdom being denied emergency contraception from their local pharmacy, which triggered serious criticism from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) president: “Pharmacy refusal to provide emergency contraception is ‘completely unacceptable’”, said professor Claire Anderson. In 2017, the RPS updated its own guidance on EC prescribing. In…
Brasil: Use of EC pills among adolescent students
January 2025. A study by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte) aimed to estimate use of emergency contraception (EC) among Brazilian adolescent students, as well as the association of individual, family, and community factors with use. A cross-sectional study was carried out, including 38,779 Brazilian adolescent students, aged 13 to 17 years, participating…
Unaware of EC’s mechanism of action, Spanish Constitutional Court protects a pharmacist’s right to refuse to sell EC
In 2008, a pharmacy in Seville, (in the southern Spain’s Andalusia region) was fined for refusing to sell emergency contraceptive pills (EC). The pharmacy challenged this, however, and the case was brought up to the Constitutional Court. In July 2015 this Court found that the pharmacist’s right to “ideological freedom” was violated by the sanction,…
Knowledge of EC Among Male Students in Latvia
In an effort to curb the number of unwanted pregnancies in Latvia, a small-scale study was undertaken to determine male students’ knowledge about and attitudes towards EC, the first of its kind undertaken in this country. Researchers posited that within Riga Stradins University, male students of the Social Science Faculty were less informed about EC…
Argentina: LNG EC pills switched to OTC
May 2023. The Argentinian Minister of Health announced the switch of 1.5 mg levonorgestrel (LNG) emergency contraception pill (ECPs) products, to unrestricted sale products (producto de venta libre). A prescription will no longer be required to buy LNG ECPs. LNG ECPs are marketed in Argentina for over 10 years. UPA ECPs are registered but not yet…
Report reveals negative impact of COVID-19 on access to contraception across Europe
October 2021. Last week, the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (EPF) launched a report on access to contraception during the COVID-19 pandemic in 46 European countries. The report concludes that countries that usually prioritize and protect sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), took measures to ensure continued access to contraception during…