Poland: Increased use of EC pills trough pharmacy prescription.
November 2024. More than 11,000 prescriptions for emergency contraceptive (EC) pills have been issued since the introduction, last May, of the pilot program “Pharmaceutical Prescription Regulation for Emergency Contraception” (see https://www.ec-ec.org/poland-pilot-program-for-pharmacy-prescribing-of-ecps/). Sales of emergency contraception showed marked increases, according to the Supreme Chamber of Pharmacy: “Analysing market data from the implemented pilot, we observe a visible increase in the demand for emergency contraception service after each weekend. The social demand for this kind of support is truly visible. Therefore, the introduction of this refunded service to pharmacies is crucial.” Guidelines for the EC consultation are in place, in order to “equip pharmacists with tools and harmonise the consultation process. The guidelines aim to standardize the consultation (to make it consistent and of high quality across the country) and to guarantee patients access to professional, reliable and safe advice.”
ECEC thanks Ewa Szymera at @federa.org.pl for sharing this information.
For more information, read https://cowzdrowiu.pl/aktualnosci/post/antykoncepcja-awaryjna-farmaceuci-wystawiaja-wiecej-recept and https://cowzdrowiu.pl/aktualnosci/post/antykoncepcja-503-apteki-z-pigulka-dzien-po-mapa-i-lista-miast