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Poland: President vetoes EC OTC. Is pharmacist prescription the only way out?

April 2024.  On March 29, Polish President Andrzej Duda refused to sign the amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law that proposed making emergency contraception pills (ECPs) available without a prescription for individuals above 15 years old (read here).   In efforts to find alternative ways to make ECPs more accessible, on April 3rd, the Ministry of…

Minnesota (USA): Not filling an EC prescription constitutes discrimination

Minnesota (USA): Not filling an EC prescription constitutes discrimination

March 2024. In January 2019 a pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for the ulipristal acetate emergency contraception pill (ECP), in Aitkin County (a rural area of Minnesota) citing his religious believes. The case was brought to the county court in August 2022, where the jury found that the pharmacist had not discriminated against the…

Pathways to Change

Pathways to Change

March 2024. The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) and partners launched Pathways to Change, a joint publication presenting the stories and strategies that have advanced sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in a number of countries around the world. The book includes a vivid explanation and analysis of the strategy led by the Women’s…

Poland closer to approve EC pills without a prescription

Poland closer to approve EC pills without a prescription

February 2024. On February 22, the Polish Parliament voted to approved access to emergency contraception pills without a prescription for individuals aged 15 and over. Following the approval by the Parliament, the bill will proceed to the Senate for further consideration. Upon approval by the Senate, the bill will then require the President’s signature to…

Launch of the 2024 Europe Contraception Policy Atlas

Launch of the 2024 Europe Contraception Policy Atlas

February 2024. The European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights (EPF) presented the 2024 edition of the Europe Contraception Atlas. ECEC was honored to participate in the launch event, bringing attention to persisting gaps in access to emergency contraception in Europe.   Read more about the launch event here and retrieve the recording here….

Poland: Government moves fast to reinstate OTC emergency contraception

January 2024. On January 15th Poland’s Prime Minister announced that the government would propose an amendment to the law restricting access to the emergency contraception pills (ECPs), in order to make them available without a prescription. According to Reuters, by January 24th legislation had already been drafted.  To date, and unlike the majority of European…

USA: Increased EC use linked to higher education and urban live.

USA: Increased EC use linked to higher education and urban live.

December 2023. The National Health Statistics Report num. 195 offers valuable information about emergency contraception (EC) use and the general profile of EC users in the United States (US) during the period 2015-2019. Here is a snapshot:  In the United States: Read the whole report here

USA:  Despite being associated with pain, use of IUD increases

USA:  Despite being associated with pain, use of IUD increases

December 2023. According to the latest report on use of contraceptive methods by The National Health Statistics, in the United States of America the use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) has tripled since 2006: from 7.7% to more than 21% in the period 2015- 2019. The New York Times just published an article about the lack…

British Columbia: Free EC pills provided to 37.000 people since April

British Columbia: Free EC pills provided to 37.000 people since April

December 2023. The Government of British Columbia (Canada) reported the results of the free contraceptive provision program, whichincludes LNG emergency contraceptive pills. Since April 2023, “more than 188.000 people received free contraceptives. This includes more than 123.000 people who received hormonal birth control pills, more than 30.000 people who received IUDs, and more than 37.000…

Procurement of emergency contraception in the public sector of low- and middle-income countries.

Procurement of emergency contraception in the public sector of low- and middle-income countries.

December 2023. The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) just published 9th edition of The Family Planning Market Report (2023). Featuring data from 17 suppliers, the report looks into public sector contraceptive procurement in low- and lower-middle income countries. The report is an excellent information and analysis tool for…

Japan:  Trial of OTC sale of ECPs begins 

Japan:  Trial of OTC sale of ECPs begins 

November. According to Kyodo news agency, the trial of a new modality to dispense  emergency contraception pills (ECPs) without a prescription in Japan, began on November 28. The Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry will test out this modality in 145 pharmacies (of more than 60.000 in the country). Japan is one of the few northern hemisphere countries where…