Germany: Contraceptive behavior of adults 2023. Research report
February 2025. The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) just published the English edition of the CONTRACEPTIVE BEHAVIOUR OF ADULTS 2023 report. This nationwide, representative repeat survey, examines contraceptive knowledge and behavior among sexually active population aged 18 to 49. This survey allows to observe and identify trends in contraceptive use over the years. Condoms and contraceptive pills remain the most used methods in Germany. However, use of pills has declined dramatically (38%, compared to 55% in 2007) while use of condoms has increased (53%, compared to 36% in 2007).
Read the full report here:
The follow up study ‘Contraceptive behaviour of adults and adolescents 2024’ is currently being conducted, but initial results focusing on young people are variable here:
In addition, data on youth knowledge of and access to emergency contraception (EC) from the 2019 Youth Sexuality Study, is available here: The main findings of this study suggest that:
- Most girls and young women have already heard of EC.
- EC is used to supplement other contraceptive methods but does not replace them.
- Older girls and young women are more likely to have used EC.
- Girls and young women with higher education are more likely to resource to EC.
- Girls and young women feel that access to EC is complicated and have concerns about its use.