Emergency contraception (EC) is available in Hungary: LNG EC, UPA EC are included in national guidelines for EC, and local pharmacies, hospitals, and family planning clinics distribute EC, but it is not reimbursed or covered by social security.

Sexual & reproductive health background information

Female population aged 15-49Mean age at first sexual intercourseMean age at birth of first childTotal fertility rate% use of modern contraceptive methods

Accessibility & prescription status

In Hungary, LNG EC and UPA EC are available by prescription from pharmacies, hospitals, and family planning clinics. However, anecdotal data suggests that LNG EC is easy to purchase without a prescription along the borders.

Despite the European Medicines Agency recommendation to authorise the sales of UPA EC without prescription, on  January 2015 the Hungarian government informed that  based on patient-safety considerations, it will continue to require a prescription for all emergency contraceptives.3

Physicians are the sole health care professionals who are authorized to prescribe LNG EC and UPA EC.


Type of ECApproximate CostBrand(s) Available
LNG€ 19,30Escapelle, Rigesoft
UPA€ 22,60ellaOne

The cost of EC is not reimbursed or covered by social security in Hungary.

Guidelines & common practices

In 2012, the Hungarian edition of Emergency Contraceptive Pills: Medical and Service Delivery Guidelines (3rd edition) was published under the title, SÜRGŐSSÉGI FOGAMZÁSGÁTLÓ TABLETTÁK Irányelvek orvosok és egészségügyI ellátó hálózatok számára and with the endorsement of the Academic Committee Working Group on Reproductive Health of the Hungarian Scientific Society of Family and Women Protection.

In addition, Hungary uses the 2008 World Health Organization’s Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use as guidelines for EC.

Health care providers often provide general information about EC during regular consultations but rarely prescribe EC in advance of need.

EC use

Ever use of ECEC use in the last 12 months% with no prescriptionRepeated use of EC in last 12 months



1 Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Retrieved 1 August 2013, from www.ksh.hu.

2 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Contraceptive Use 2012. New York, 2012.

3 Website of the Hungarian Government. January 16, 2015. Betegbiztonsági szempontok miatt továbbra is vényköteles a sürgősségi fogamzásgátló. Retrived on September 18, 2015 at https://www.ec-ec.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Emmi-betegbiztonsagi-szempontok-miatt-marad-venykoteles-a-surgossegi-fogamzasgatlo-Fogamzasgatla.pdf or http://www.kormany.hu/hu/emberi-eroforrasok-miniszteriuma/hirek/betegbiztonsagi-szempontok-miatt-tovabbra-is-venykoteles-a-surgossegi-fogamzasgatlo

Last update: September 2015