Belgium: New tool informs of choices in emergency contraception
April 2023. In Belgium, the Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial (FLCPF) recently launched a new website to inform individuals that need contraception after sex, of the choices available to them and guide them through. The website includes a short and anonymous on-line questionnaire that helps decide what are the optimal postcoital contraption methods in a given individual and situation (the Cu-IUD, UPA or LNG EC pills). The web also informs of the cost and availability of each method, and helps identify if a medical consultation is necessary.
Vist to access the questionnaire (available in French). The website, which name means “My emergency contraception”, is strongly based on rights and evidence. It was developed with support from de Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the French Community Commission (COCOF).