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Poland: President vetoes EC OTC. Is pharmacist prescription the only way out?
April 2024. On March 29, Polish President Andrzej Duda refused to sign the amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law that proposed making emergency contraception pills (ECPs) available without a prescription for individuals above 15 years old (read here). In efforts to find alternative ways to make ECPs more accessible, on April 3rd, the Ministry of…
French High Authority on Health issues new EC fact sheet
The French High Authority on Health has issued a new fact sheet regarding the use of EC, based on the latest recommendations. This fact sheet is part of a series of publications on contraception being issued by the Authority. To read the full fact sheet in French, please click here.

Europe: Sexual and reproductive health and rights policy Hub
November 2023 – The European Parliamentarian Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Health (EPF) launched the SRHR Policy Hub, an interactive platform through which country by country data from the Global Contraception Policy Atlas can be visualized, compared and downloaded. The Global Contraception Policy Atlas includes information on emergency contraception (EC) registration status, provision of EC…
Recommendations for quickstarting hormonal contraception after UPA EC
Over the past year, there have been discussions around whether hormonal contraception should be resumed immediately after the intake of UPA EC. The concern is that using a progestin-containing contraceptive could counteract the effects of UPA EC. UPA is an anti-progestin that works by delaying or inhibiting ovulation; if a progestin-containing contraceptive is administered at the…
The EC wheel: What do you think about it?
November 14, 2018. ECEC is conducting a survey to learn more about the use, added value and shortfalls of the EC Wheel. The survey is in English and it only takes about 4 minutes to respond. If you have used the EC Wheel (either in English or French; the printed or the on-line version), we would like to hear your comments and…
Romania: EC featured in YouTube channel Sexul VS Barza
September 2020. The Romanian YouTube channel, SEXUL vs BARZA, run by reproductive justice and sex education advocate Adriana Radu, just released a new chapter focused on emergency contraception, which you can watch here: Such resources are key to educate the young (and the not so young) generations that are more prone to look for…