Argentina: LNG EC pills switched to OTC
May 2023. The Argentinian Minister of Health announced the switch of 1.5 mg levonorgestrel (LNG) emergency contraception pill (ECPs) products, to unrestricted sale products (producto de venta libre). A prescription will no longer be required to buy LNG ECPs. LNG ECPs are marketed in Argentina for over 10 years. UPA ECPs are registered but not yet marketed.
According to the official announcement (Resolución RESOL-2023-1062-APN-MS) issued on May 30, with this measure health authorities want to make ECPs more easily accessible, given its safety profile and the importance of time to treatment for efficacy.
Just two months ago, a wide coalition of organizations launched the campaign “AHE ACCESIBLE” to make ECPs easier and faster to access, and to strengthen knowledge on EC, especially among young people. The campaign included collecting signatures to request the removal of barriers to access, including the mandatory prescription.
Follow the AHE ACCESIBLE campaign on social media with the following hashtags:
- aheaccesible on Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and YouTube
- ahe.accesible on Instagram