Argentina: New campaign to improve access to EC

March 2023. In Argentina, a coalition of organizations just launched the campaign “AHE ACCESIBLE” to make emergency contraception pills (ECPs) easier and faster to access, and to strengthen knowledge on EC, especially among young people. 

As part of these efforts, the campaign is collecting signatures to request the Minister of Health to remove barriers to access, including the mandatory prescription. You can read and sign the petition here:

In Argentina LNG ECPs are directly provided free of cost in public health centers by a wide range of health professionals, but access through community pharmacies still requires a prescription from a health provider. Read more about barriers to EC access in Argentina  here.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends making over-the-counter emergency contraceptive pills available without a prescription to individuals who wish to use them, in its guidelines for self-care interventions for health and well-being.

Follow the AHE ACCESIBLE campaign on social media with the following hashtags:

  • aheaccesible on Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and YouTube
  • ahe.accesible on Instagram

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